Bi Lateral Bonds, a group exhibition by Taksu Singapore & Taksu Kuala Lumpur explores the cultural exchange & facilitates creative collaborations & artistic discovery between Singapore & Malaysia. A timely curated show in August marks the celebration of the two Independence Days - 9th August (Singapore) and 31st August (Malaysia) when the two countries separated.
Bilateral Bonds will show new artworks that benefit audiences on both sides of the country.

Artworks from Fauzulyusri, Miguel Chew, Najib Bamadhaj, Dzaki Safaruan, Gan Tee Sheng, Allison M. Low, Azrin Mohd, Aiman Hakim, Hisyamuddin Abdullah, Simon Ng, Seah Zelin, Mark Tan, Fazrin Abd Rahman, Arik Wibowo, Khairul Arshad, Cinta Ayuandrea, Sofia Haron, Syahmi Jamaluddin, Azizi Latif, Meme, Fawwaz Shukri, Nurhidayat, and Ahmad Abu Bakar will be showing in the duration of the show from July 28th (Taksu Singapore) and 11th August (Taksu Kuala Lumpur) simultaneously until end of August 2016